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Get in Touch...
I would love to hear from you, so if you are ready for me to support you on your journey and have chosen a package or you would like a no-obligation chat to see if I am the right fit for you, please get in touch via one of the options below. For answers to our most commonly asked questions, see below...
Please leave your name, email, phone number, gestation and a brief message detailing any complications I should be aware of.
What if I’ve never done yoga before?No previous yoga experience is necessary, nor is being bendy or flexible! The yoga we use is essentially stretching with a focus on our breath, it should feel good. Suggested Read on The Journal: Benefits of Yoga in Pregnancy
This sounds like it’s only for women wanting a normal birth?At The Celestial Midwife we appreciate that any type of birth is the transformation to motherhood and our offerings reflect this. Our community promotes no judgement and inclusivity. Our virtual pregnancy circles cover various topics regarding pregnancy well-being and common choices offered within current NHS maternity care therefore relevant to any type of birth. Our retreats (day or weekend) are designed to facilitate a deeper mind and body connection, through gentle yoga and breathing, as well as time to relax and connect with the group – therefore your birth preferences need not be the focus. *Note that The Celestial Midwife pregnancy circle package- only a third of the content is associated with physiological (vaginal) birth and coping mechanisms (which are transferable to any birth experience) the other two thirds are about connection and intuition. When there are women included in the circle who know at the outset their baby’s birth will be by caesarean the preparation can be tailored to provide for this.
My pregnancy is considered high-risk, can I still participate?Please inform Frances during your consultation of any risks associated with the pregnancy. These will always be kept confidential, and all The Celestial Midwife packages are safe to participate in during pregnancy. The pregnancy yoga offerings can be adjusted, or alternatives offered based on Frances’ teaching and experience.
I do not live in Norfolk, is there still an option to participate?Yes! In these modern times there are other ways to participate and connect. If you join a pregnancy circle and live out of area the price of the package is adjusted to allow for the fact you may not attend the monthly meet- although please note you are welcome to and travel, depending on circumstances. The virtual pregnancy circles are an amazing way to educate, connect and access the power of the shared community. The day and weekend retreat locations will vary, depending on my client base at the time.
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